Newsletter | Mar/Apr 2002

OWA 30th Anniversary Celebration Update

OWA will be celebrating our 30th anniversary in the year 2003 with a range of events. Look out for details and dates of these events in future issues of our newsletter.


OWA 30th Anniversary Publication Subcommittee

The subcommittee for publication is working on a festive, commemorative booklet. It is intended to document the history and achievements of OWA, and its influence on the life of individual women, institutions and similar women's groups. To make this a collective effort, we are seeking your input and suggestions. The committee invites current and former members to submit short essays, drawings, photos, and other memorabilia expressing what OWA has meant for your lives and careers. Share with us your outstanding personal experience or memories connected with OWA. Please submit items to Danica Truchlikova (chair) by April 30, 2002.


Please help us to get in touch with former OWA members who might be interested in celebrating with us. If you are aware of any former members who are not currently in the OWA directory, please submit names and contact information to: Inge Horton


A committee is in session to plan various venues for our 30th anniversary celebrations, and all of them, in one way or the other, need a graphic designer's input. Understandably, we would like to work with an OWA member. This is a call for graphic designers who would like to participate, and recommendations from members for graphic designers you have worked with before. Call or email Danica Truchlikova:

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