Newsletter | Nov/Dec 2011

City of San Francisco HRC Small Business Event: "Maximizing Your Success with Public Works Contracts" 12/12/11

This note is from Andrew Cecena, an intern writing OWA members on behalf of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission which is a department of the City and County of San Francisco.

"I’m writing to invite your members to a small business event, Maximizing Your Success with Public Works Contracts, on 12/12 that we are hosting at the San Francisco Federal Building. It will be an event for small businesses here in San Francisco and Northern California to learn more about the opportunities and resources that are at their disposal. The event takes place on Monday, December 12th. There’s no cost and the time is between 9am to 5pm. If you are interested and would like me to send you a flier via email or fax respond as soon as possible by contacting me or Wayne Farrens at 415.252.2543 or

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