Newsletter | Nov/Dec 2018

Steering Committee transition meeting

On November 17th, 2018 the old and new steering committee members met at Judy Row's home in Oakland for the annual Steering Committee transition meeting. We discussed the various Steering Committee positions and responsibilities for the new members and each person chose her new or continuing role.

The new steering committee chairs are as follows:
Policies & Procedures: Carolyn Orazi
Programs: Bridget Basham, Allison Kinst
Public Relations: Claire Hansen
Membership: Leslie Golden
Newsletter: Maryam Moayery Nia
Information Administrator: Betty Woo

We also said a heartfelt thank you and sad goodbye to those members rotating off the steering committee: Hannah Chatham, Helen Vasquez, Conyee Chan and Spring Friedlander. We’ll miss them at the meetings but will see you soon at an upcoming OWA event.

We discussed membership strategies and potential upcoming programs. (See Programs) Finally, we set the Steering Committee meeting dates and locations for the 2019 calendar year. As usual, we will alternate between San Francisco and East Bay. As a reminder, OWA members are always welcome at any Steering Committee meeting.

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