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Newsletter | Jan/Feb 1973

Volume 1:1
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In this issue:
DECEMBER 1972 - Mary Laleyan
Organization Purposes and Structure Diagram - Mary Laleyan and Wendy Bertrand
FEBRUARY 1973 - Mary Laleyan

NOVEMBER 1972 (scanned)

 Share #555

First gathering and attendance list

 Share #541

On November 5, 1972 the following women in architecture signed in at Wendy Bertrand's Place on Hillegass Street in Oakland, California to talk about organizing women in the field of architecture.
It was agree to meet again on Sunday December 3, 1972 and invite others who might be interested.

Listed here In the order they signed in:
Anne Grete Hestnes
Danica Trucklikova
Susan Henke
Wendy Bertrand
Chiu Lin Chan
Teresita C. Yerre
Dace Blaumanis
Ruth Balden
Mui Ho
Mary Laleyan
Lia Margulies
Mary Bulota

The original list has addresses and some employers' names
(Archived here by Wendy Bertrand, December 2011)


by Mary Laleyan    |    Share #622

Invitation and Map to Second Gathering

 Share #626



PHONE; 392-5398 APT. #403

PLEASE EXTEND THIS INVITATION TO ANY OTHER WOMEN ARCHITECTS YOU KNOW, WHOSE NAME DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE ATTACHED LIST which consisted of the 12 who attended the November meeting with the following names added:
Anne Diaz
Mary Limosner
Fany Hansen
Angela Tzvetin
Mariko Fu-ii
Mehrnoush Afsari

At the actual meeting the following names were added to the growing list.
Sandy Schopman
Bobbie Sue Hood
Lucia Bogatay
Carol McNeil
Sofia G. Jopillo

Organization Purposes and Structure Diagram

by Mary Laleyan and Wendy Bertrand    |    Share #625

The following diagram prepared November 24, 1972 by Mary Laleyan and Wendy Bertrand was presented at the December 3 ,1972 gathering. After some discussion it was unanimously agreed to per meeting minutes by Mary Laleyan.

Topics Discussed at Gathering #2

by Mary Laleyan    |    Share #627

Handwritten notes by Mary Laleyan summarized here by Wendy Bertrand

After the presentation and acceptance of the above chart, the discussion cented on the subject of employment. Ruth Balden immediately volunteered to be the contact person for Employment issues, her name was entered in the organizational chart.

1. Ruth will spread the news about jobs.
2. Ruth will talk to potential employers.
3. Ruth will collect short summaries of known discrimination for future action.
4. Ruth will keep track of firms that have a record of equal treatment.
5. The Department of Human Resources Development was suggested as a good source for job hunting.

6. Since Beverly Willis was quoted as saying "Girls don't know how to sell themselves." we decided to invite her to speak about "How to look for employment."

7. Mary volunteer to be responsible for Education and she would be open to any topics or speakers of interest. She will contact Beverly Willis.

8. Wendy volunteered for Public Relations.
Bobbie Sue Hood offered to help her.

9. We watched a TV presentation by Lorraine Lahr, President of NOW.

10. Some dicussion started about the name of the organization, and was postponed for next meeting.

11. Wendy described her work on the BART Impact Studies with the Institute of Urban and Regional Development at UC Berkeley

Next meeting to be Jan 11, 1973 6:30 location to be decided.
(Archived here by Wendy Bertrand, December 2011)


 Share #556

Join Us!: Our Third meeting announcement

 Share #623


Our third get together will be in North Oakland at Wendy Bertrand"s Place
6462 Hillegass (see map below)

Thursday Evening January 11, 1973 at 6:30 (earlier o.k.)

We have put notices up at the SF and Oakland AIA offices and we are spreading the word as best we can, hope to see you and any others you think would be interested.

Bus information for coming, car transportation provided for rreturn

E bus (Claremont) From SF takes from 22 to 26 min. buses leave from lane one of depot every 3 to 8 min between 5 and 6 PM. The 5:55 will get you here at 6:17. Then buses get further apart leaving at 6:12, then 6:45.


by Mary Laleyan    |    Share #557

Beverly Willis Speaks

 Share #544

The Women in-Architecture will have their next meeting
Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 PM
LOCATION: The Conference Room of Anshen and Allen's Office,
461 Bush Street, San Francisco, 4th Floor

SPEAKER: Beverly Willis, AIA
SUBJECT:The Profession * The Women * The Problems
All women interested are invited.
For information call: 986-4351 (9-5 weekdays)

Meeting notes:

I cannot believe that everyone present did not share my enthusiastic response to Beverly Willis enlightening presentation.

After-an interesting and informative slide presentation by Ms. Willis on work she and her firm have done over the years and particularly since last year when her office was --"computerized" the group got down to asking questions. The questions centered on two major subjects: The place of computers and the place of women in the field of architecture. Ms. Willis said she felt her knowledge compiled during years of experience was lost for those who are working in her office, because she is too busy to pass it on to them Now, with the introduction of the computer this knowledge is stored for use by all who are working for her. She is using some commercially available programs,but mostly she is working with her own programs based on data collected in the office throughout the years. Programming is not difficult to learn and most computer manufacturers provide training courses.

When questioned on what she looks for when interviewing applicants As. Willis said she takes all things into account, from spelling to appearance. She said it is important to emphasize one's skills, when applying for a job, in relation to what the firm needs. Ms. Willis suggested finding out whatthe particular firm you are being interviewed by is all about, before the interview, and using that information to your advantage during the interview.

Yes, she said, appearance is important. No blue-jeans, or pantsuits on interviews. Even now, Ms. Willis revealed, she takes care in choosing the proper dress for the proper client and in-fact tries to dress as innocuously as possible to make sure the clients attention is directed towards what she is trying to sell; her services. Above all, Ms. Willis emphasized, have confidence in yourself. If you want "in" into the business world you must be willing to play the game to some degree. Remember the majority of firms, etc., are still run by the establishment.

Several women were interested in how Ms. Willis had overcome the prejudice and discrimination towards women in the field of architecture. Ms. Willis said it is inevitable in life to meet with people who will not respond to you as a person, regardless of sex. It took her several years to realize that some of what she rationalized as discrimination existed in her mind only. Some, but not all. She told of a time when she was appointed to a committee and was very flattered until she realized that all they wanted was her name and not her brain. However, she did not let that intimidate her, fought hard and eventually got things done her way, which fortunately turned out to be the right way. Asked what would have happened had she been wrong, she smiled and said that at that point of her career any mistake would have been fatal.

It is impossible to reiterate all that transpired in the two hour Ms. Willis was with us - next time be there.


Organization of Women Architects (OWA) name chosen

 Share #558

Much of the discussion at the previous meeting had centered on the word "women" and if it should be used. Another issue was to use the word "architect" or the words "in architecture."

After Ms. Willis left the group stayed for another 30 minutes to select a
name for the organization. Of the seven proposals the "Organization of Women Architects" received the majority of votes, and was adopted as the official name.

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