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Newsletter | Sep/Oct 1973

Volume 1:5
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If you would like to see corrections to this newsletter or to submit articles or suggestions for future newsletters please contact the Newsletter Editor.

In this issue:
Women's Place Under California Law - Harriet Katz Berman (reprint)
Education - Susan Henke
Employment - Lucia Bogatay
Nom de Femme - Pat Montandon 999 Green Street SF 94133


 Share #606

Agenda September 13, 1973 OWA Meeting

by Mui Ho    |    Share #654

LOCATION: Lucia Bogatay's house at 21 Saturn Street, San Francisco,
phone 863-8253

SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 to 7:30

I. BUSINESS 7:30 - 8:30
A. Award for letterhead competition
B. Discussion of permanent meeting date----Suggestions 3rd Mon., 2nd Wed., 3rd Thurs.
C. Announcemients:
1. Rosie Muller
2. Mui Ho
3. Bobbi Sue Hood
4. Lucia Bogatay
5..Susan Henke - discussion of educational program
D. Discussion of articles of incorporation--Rosie Muller


Susan Swabacker and Ann King

Ann King - a native Californian and graduate of Berkeley School of Architecture. Since march of 1969 she has worked for architects in Boston, New Port Beach (Calif.). and Paris. Her talk will concern her experiences while working for Soul; Steel here in San Francisco. She has recently joined the firm of Kaplan and McLaughlin.

No write up on Susan Swabacker (Archivist note)


 Share #655

6----Noon Thursday
AIA chapter office, 254 Sutter San Francisco.- *brown bagn'- speaker Dan& Draper, photographer, on "moon pictures"- call 362-7397

San Francisco opera season begins call 861-4008

10----7:30pm Monday
Organization of Architectural and Engineering Employees meeting (2nd Monday) - 1st Unitarian Church, Franklin and Geary, S.F. ~ call 282~0534

Closing date for Wyeth Exhibition at De Young Museum, Golden Gate Part, S.F.hours 10-4pm (open until 9am on Tuesdays & Wednesdays) - call 558-2887

11 ---7pm Tuesday
National Organisation of Women meeting (2nd Tuesday) - lst Unitarian Church, Franklin and Geary, SF 398- 6312

13---6:30 pm Thursday
Organization of Woman Architects meeting at Lucia Bogatay's house,21 Saturn St. S.F. - call 863-8253 (hom), 421-4632 (office)

5:30 to 7:30
AIA chapter office, Ken Cardwell (UC Professor and architect) on Bernard Maybeck

Woman In Construction meting

14---7 pm Friday
San Francisco Museum of Art film series, Van Ness & PeAllister a program of Third World political films:

7pm -Mexico, The Frozen Revolution
7:50 pm -Tupamaros (Swedish documentary on Uruguayan liberation movement)

15---9m - 5pm Saturday
Calif. Council AIA seminar *Interactive Plannirr. System* led by Morris Verger, AIA (Chairman of CCAIA's continuing education committee) - S.F. airport Hilton - $75 - call 986-0759

20---Thursday AIA Chapter Dinner

21,22,23---Friday thru Sunday
Monterey Jazz Festival call. down town center box office (S.F.)775-2021

28---7pm - Friday
San Francisco Museum of Art film series - 90 minute program of new and recent works of leading bay area, film makers

Ann King Is going to be incharge of calendar for the coming 3 months. ff you know of any cultural events; films, exhibitions, lectures, meetings of related groups, anything that will be interesting to our members, let her know by phone: 771-2681

Bay Area Engineering Societies Committee for Manpower Training, Inc.

by Wendy Bertrand    |    Share #657


Zoe Henderson and Wendy Bertrand attended the Fifth Annual Engineering Societies Committee for Manpower Training (ESCTM) Graduation Dinner on JUly 12, 1973. One hundred and fifty people celebrated the success of the organization and the graduation of about fifteen (male) graduates of the -On-the-Job TrainIng Program this year.

ESCMT's goal is the elimination of some of the racial inequities in architecture and engineering, to be accomplished by working with the profession and minority groups of both men and women. There are five ESCMT programs, the largest of which. in the On-the-job Training Program. This a is a 42 week program for engineering and architectural draughtsman and soils technicians. The trainee is placed In a private firm for his/her training. There he or she spends about 32 hours per week, and another 8 hours in the classroom.

Conducted by practicing professional engineers and architects, the classes are held at Golden Gate College or the San Francisco, and at Laney College in the East Bay. During the 42 weeks of training, the trainee receives $2.7S an hour. One halt of this salary is reimbursed to the employer during training. All of this salary in reimbursed to the employer when the trainee is in class or in counseling.

The OWA tis one of the sponsoring societies of ESCMT and was so recognized on the dinner invitation and in person at the dinner. Speakers on that occasion were from the Human Rights Commission and from the Dept of Labor. The latter man complemented the ESCMT on its On-the-Job Training Program for its high rate of completion and follow-up employment, both stronq signs of a successful program.

The trainsees were a very happy, proud bunch. An one trainee sincerely summed up his expreiance, "I came looking for a job and found a future."
It your office would like to have a trainee for this type of Program, Please contact the ESCMT,.

Zoe Henderson is presently a draughtswoman in the Architecture Department of P.G. & E. She is a graduate form the On-the-job Training Program, and plans to continue her education in the near future. She is a recent member of OWA.

Thursdays for Meetings

by Schedule    |    Share #658

It has been suggested that our meetings be scheduled for the same day each mouth so that our members can anticipate future meetings and so arrange their schedules. Unless there are unresolvable conflicts for members of our membership, we will meet regularly on the Second Thursday of the month as was the August 9 meeting.
Future meeting dates will be:
September, 13
October, 11
November 8
December 13


 Share #656

We are occasionally active, and talk to a few job seekers now and then. We appreciate those of you who let us know how you fared in interviews, and wonder what became of the rest. Bank of America needed a draftsperson and was actually waitinq to hire one until our organization had a chance to send an applicant. For this we thank Mirnoush, from whom we learned of this opportunity. So far I do not know whether we have actually succeeded in finding anyone a job .....

Please continue to keep us informed of now openings. There is a rumor sponsored by Pat Noda that there are jobs in SANTA CLARA county.

Women's Place Under California Law

by Harriet Katz Berman (reprint)    |    Share #660

"But you can't legislate change in people's attitudes " is not an uncommon reply to supporters of women's rights legislation. This attitude holds that the second-class status of women in our society is a cultural rather than a legal concern. In fact. however, California law is riddled with statutes authorizing different treatment for women than men. Many of time salutes have undoubtedlyreflected social reality and not just stereotyped predjudices, but at the same time, by their continued existence and enforcement, these laws have supported and perpetuated sex discrimination. Further. there we many areas of abuse where the state legislature could legitimately step in but instead have given tacit approval to discriminatory practices by remaining silent.

The sterotyped American family --- husband at work. wife at home with the kids - is virtually spelled out in California statutes. " Every man shall support his wife and his child" (Civil Code Section 242). while the woman's duty is to "support her child". she is only expected to support her husband when he is in need" (Civil Code Section 243). A father who fails to support either a legitimate or illegitimate child can be found guilty of a misidemeanor (Penal Code Section 270). A husband's abandonment or non-support of his wife is also a misdemeanor (Penal Code Section 270a). Until recently, mothers were given pieference over fathers in child custody case; now. each parent is entitled to equal consideration by the court. (Civil Code Section 4600a as amended, 1972).

The law establishes the man in the house as the family financier. Each partner has an equal interest in the family"s property. etc.. but almost all
of the couple*s community property is under the management and control of the husband" (Civil Code Section 5105).The wife has control of her earnings until they are comingied in the community property (Civil Code Section 5124).

Community Property Law

Community property law was formerly viewed as a protection for the wife, giving her a stake in the family's assets even if they all sternmed from the husband's earnings. A wife's traditional "woman.s work" - - household duties and child care -- receives no earnings.

But she does not really have a fair share at aIl. While neither spouse can dispose community real property. e.g. their house. without the other's consent,. the husband can mostly do as he pleases with corrimunity money and possessions. He cannot give away community property on his own. but. with one exception, he can sell it. As befitting the traditional . . woman's role". one particular area of personal property is presumed to be the wife's important domain: the husband cannot "sell. convey, or encumber the furniture, furnishings. or fittings of the home. or the clothing or wearing apparel of the wife or minor children that is communitv without the written consent of the wife - (Civil Code, Section, 5125). A husband may sell the family's car without his wife's consent. but not the pots and pans.

While the community property ii under the husband's management and control, he is generally liable for his contracts and debts. He is not liable for contracts made by the wife after marriage "unless such contracts are secured by the husband's pledge or mortagage of the community property." (Civil code Section 5116).
Note from archivist: Other topics in this very informative article include Reitrement, Maternity Leave, Labor Laws and Job Discrimination. Please see original as I find this too difficult to copy here

It Is Your Newsletter

 Share #659

'It is a drag that the same people have to prepare the material for,the newsletter every month. Please contribute - - - anything will be alright.

OCTOBER (scanned)

by Mui Ho    |    Share #607


Meeting Location

 Share #661

Monday 15 October 1973
1605 Arch Street, Berkeley, Mui Ho 841-4458


 Share #664

Social hour with various epicurean delights:
$ .50 for libation only
$1.00 for food and drink

Ann King: "Curtain Wall Technology"Susan Swabacker: "Fire Resistance of Building Materials"

All too often. women overlook their own expertise or pass it off with a shrug. This week, two of OWA's experts have chosen to share some of their knowledge of construction technology with us. We hope to tap more of our members' resources for similar program in the future.
Swabacker and.King were scheduled to speak last week but were unfortunately rained out by a spirited debate on the articles of incorporation proposed for the OWA. Note that this week they will be in a position to filibuster the articles.

8:30 Miscellaneous announcements including portents of a huge professional woven's convention in the East Bay, presentation of the elusive OWA graphics award to its more elusive recipient (Lea Margulies) if she is back from France, possible future projects for the OWA, and, hopefully, rubber stamping of the revised proposed articles of incorporation.

Ann King - a native Californian and graduate of Berkeley's School of Architecture since March of 1969, she has worked for architects in Boston, New Port Beach (Callf.), and Paris. Her talk will concern her experiences while working for Soule Steel here in San Francisco. She has recently joined the firm of Kaplan and McLaughlin.

Susan Swabacker - graduated from U.C., Berkeley, six months ago; worked and studied in Sweden for a year and a half; is now working as an engineer for a Civil Engineer at Cal doing fire-research and development for R.U.D. and private outside clients; Is also self-employed as a designer doing remodelling and vacation-type homes as well as a permanent home up north of Sonora.

Summary of September Meeting

 Share #662

Our meeting at Lucia Bogotay's house on Sept. 13 turned out to be an "all business" meeting. The talks of the scheduled speakers were postponed until the October meeting. The following decisions were made:
--to set a new monthly meeting date for the 3rd Monday of each month.
--to pledge $25.00 to the OAE's special fund to bring a lawsuit against the state board of architectural examiners to compell them to be more open in their grading of the design exam.
-- the resolution to incorporate was passed.

After a lengthy discussion of the proposed Articles of Incorporation, it was decided to postpone adopting them until the suggested changes could be incorporated into a final draft copy.

OWA Directory

 Share #663

Due to popular demand, a directory of members, paramembers, and assorted guests will be available for $ .50 at the October 15 meeting.

Strength lies in members

Steering Committee

 Share #665

Bobble Sue Hood 771-7770
Ann King. alternate 771-2681

Mary Laleyan 392-3398
Susan Henke, alternate 398-5191

Lucia Bogatay 863-8253
Ilana Rosenfeld, alternate 548-4124

Rosie Muller 549-1940
Wendy Bertrand, alternate 526-5397

Mui Ho 541-4438
Cathy Simon. alternate 626-2641

(Newsletter archived by Wendy Bertrand, January 2012)

OAE call for support

 Share #666


The OAE is trying to develop a direct approach to the State Board of Architectural Examiners. Many applicants have individual concerns but it has become apparent that dealing on an individual basis is not an effective procedure.

The OAE has consulted counsel and Is of the opinion that the only way to deal with the problem is by direct legal action.

Applicants have expressed concern in four major areas
1. Open Grading
2. Transition or credits from the old exam to the new
3. Exam fee, exam frequency, and the 4-year limitation
4. Accreditation of experience and apprenticeship

Legal action can be generated around these Issues (and/or others)but there is the problem of financing the activity.

Since most OAE members are licensed it was felt that this activity should be financed by those with the most direct concern. OAE is accepting pledges from non members as well as members, toward a goal of $500.00 and is now close to the halfway point. When the goal Is reached we will sit down with our attorney and proceed with our claims. Independent participation is encouraged and anyone interested should phone the OAE office - 397-7235.

Local 2001 United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America


by Susan Henke    |    Share #667

An animated brainstorming session a few weeks ago produced several education projects now in the offing. Needless to say the more people helping, the more we can do.
--Mary Laleyan (392-5398) and Mehrnoush Afsari (836-3505) are arranging a seminar of several lectures in specifications, professional administration, and construction supervision.
--Ann King (771-2681) is making OWA's services known to high school counselors.
-Susan Henke (848-5560, 398-5191) is preparing an annotated bibliography of sources of good construction details and would appreciate contributions.
-Danica. Truchlikova, (441-3547) will be planning a joint tour of San Francisco architecture with the Organization of Women in Construction.
-And for those preparing for the June licensing exam in construction technology, Ruth Schnapp, an engineer with the State, has offered to give a seminar in structures.

We would also like to organize some field trips to buildings under construction. Anyone willing to do some"arranging" or anyone with suggestions, please call Susan Henke (848-5560 or 398-5191).

Career Consultants Needed

 Share #668


The Center for Continuing Education of Women at UC Berkeley has asked the OWA to talk to women Interested in careers in architecture and related fields.
Those able to give occasional counseling should telephone Susan Fike at 642-4786 and leave their names, numbers, and fields.
The CCEW Women's Center is located on the Berkeley campus in Building T-9, Room 100. Counselors staff the Center each week day from 9 to 5.
Services include academic advising, career advising, discussion groups and lectures on topics of special interest to women. and coordination of information on edcuational opportunities and research material.

The Center has existed for one year. It is free of charge and open to any woman.


by Lucia Bogatay    |    Share #669

At last I begin to feel that this office is accomplishing something. People are finding jobs: Lucy Lichtblau is now working at Frank Hope's office, Rosie Muller is at Akol and Yoshi! doing both architectural and structural design. Vera Jansen is about to start teaching at San Francisco State. Things are looking up.
Here are the new jobs for the month. Some of last month*s jobs may still be open, so do call them too.

1. Frank Hope 434-0381
562 Mission Street, San Francisco
job captain/senior draftsman - speak to Don Motagawa

2.The Engineers'Society Committee for Manpower Training teaching position -VOLUNTEER- (almost) 4 hours a week to teach minority trainees,drafting or structures. Even if they have enough teachers for now, they are always looking for future people. 391-3990

3. Rockrise, Odermat, Montjoy & Amis
405 Sansome Street
San Francisco 392-3730
job captain speak to Mr. Day I am never sure of the spirit in which their openings are announced. They are the only firm that sends us a letter, and the job is always fairly fierce. Please, someone go test them out!

There will be a one day******CONVENTION****** on November 10. It is sponsored by W.O.E. (Women*s Organization for Employment) and will deal with women's employment prospects. If you have time to help with it, call W.O.E. 989-5449

Research on Julia Morgan

 Share #670

David Stupplebeen (282-5271 or 558-4527), an architect working in San Francisco, has written to OWA to ask if anyone is interested in doing research on Julia Morgan (1872-1957), a well-known architect of the Bay Area.

Nom de Femme

by Pat Montandon 999 Green Street SF 94133    |    Share #671

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Some women, however, are choosing to smell sweetly with their original names rather than to assume their husbands' names upon marriage.

Dire reports of lengthy court battles in the male-dominated newspapers may have led you to believe retaining one's maiden name is difficult. In fact, switching may cause a woman more trouble in California than keeping her own name. A detailed fact sheet for California women who wish to retain their own name followed.

Archivist note: Please see original newsletter for this long article not included here.

October Calendar

 Share #672

8 MONDAY 7:3O pm
ORGANIZATION OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING EMPLOYEES MEETING: First Unitarian Church, Franklin at Geary,San Francisco. Estelle Bern. an Oakland social worker, will present an account of her recent trip to the People's Republic of China this year.
-CALL (415) 397-7235

AIABROWN BAG LUNCH MEETING 254 Sutter Street, San Francisco.
A slide presentation by Mary Jean Place and Louis* Allrich of Place/
Allrich Gallery. CALL (415) 362-7397

7 pm NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN First Unitarian Church, Franklin at Geary, S.F. CALL (415) 398-6312

7 pm SAN FRANCISCO MUSEUM OF ART FILM SERIES: Van Ness at McAllister, San Francisco. "ELENA ST LES HOMMES," directed by Jean Renoir, with Ingrid Bergman. Admission $ 1 CALL 863-8800

CALIFORNIA COUNCIL, AIA "FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR PROFIT & GROWTH IN SMALL ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS." A workshop led by CCAIA's Management Consultant A. E. Werolin. San Francisco Airport Hilton. 9 am-5 pm. $85 CALL Maryann Monroe, 986-0759

"HOMAGE TO PICASSO.' A group of films.

SAN FRANCISCO 17TH ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL, Opening Night.Palace of Pine Arts Theatre, Marina Boulevard at Lyon. CALL 928-8333

7:45 pm "THE BAY AREA TRADITION, FACTOR MYTH," by David Gebhart. The first of six in a slide lecture series on "THE BAY AREA REGION STYLES: 1890-1930" presented by the Foundation for San Francisco's Architectural Heritage. Donation for series $20. The Fireman's Fund Auditorium, 3333 California Street, San Francisco
CALL 956-3595

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