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Leslie Allen | Portfolio

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Limantour Estero Painting Show July 31, 2011

Copyright 2011 Leslie Allen, Limantour Estero, Pt. Reyes, No. 2 (48" x 48" oil on panel)

Leslie Allen is showing a series of large-format oil paintings, which describe (thru realism and evocative atmosphere) the experience and natural history of Limantour Estero, on Pt. Reyes. One weekend afternoon is open to the public for a reception, Sunday, July 31, from 11am-5pm. At other times an appt. is required to view the work in a multi-purpose space called The Red Barn Gallery/Classroom, weekdays from July 8-Sept 30, 2011. The facility is across the road from the Bear Valley Visitors Center in the Pt. Reyes Natl. Seashore, very near both Olema, and Pt. Reyes Station, CA.

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