OWA Book Circle 2012

Wendy Bertrand - Dec 26, 2011 2:26PM

Invoice # 4 December 26, 2011
To: OWA treasurer, Judy Rowe
From: OWA Book Circle facilitator, Wendy Bertrand

Book 4. Architecture: A Woman’s Profession, edited by Tanja Kullack, published by Jovis (see Jovis.com for preview), 2011.

I bought 8 paperback English editions of 190 pages with color photos from the US distributor, Artbook: $154

Erin C. Dunigan Sales Associate edunigan@dapinc.com
155 6th Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013 T: (212) 627-1999 x202

Book 5. Women and the Everyday City: Public Space in San Francisco, 1890-1915, by Jessica Ellen Sewell, University of Minnesota Press. I bought 8 paperback copies, 232 pages, from Bill Stout’s Annex. $217

OWA 2012 Book Circle budget $1000

$154 Book 4
$220.75 Book 5 and pick up parking
$374.75 Spent

($725.25 remaining for book #3 and other expenses)

Architecture: A Woman’s Profession discussion on January 23, 2012
Women and the Everyday City discussion on March 26, 2012

As in the past a book circle member will report on our discussions in the OWA Newsletter.

We keep a copy of each book for members to borrow. Presently five books are out on loan.
Call Wendy Bertrand 415-648-2713 if you want to borrow a book

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