OWA+DP Bulletin December 5th 2023 - Holiday Benefit Party THIS SATURDAY
Charlayne A. Sakamoto - Dec 5, 2023 11:03AM
Happy Holidays OWA+DP!
Our annual Holiday Benefit Party will be this Saturday, December 9th 2023 from 3PM-6PM. Please RSVP by Thursday 12/7/23 by sending us an email ( communications@owa-usa.org) before December 7th. OWA+DP will provide the main dish and drinks. Members are welcome to invite friends/family as well as bring a dish to share.
We have chosen to contribute to the San Francisco SafeHouse, kindly click on the image to view the PDF for instructions to access the Amazon wishlist.
This is our last event of the year and we hope to see everyone in attendance.
OWA+DP Steering Committee
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