Newsletter | Nov/Dec 1973

Publish or Persih OWA Newsletters

by Mui Ho
In the exigencies of the birth of the OWA during the past year, the newsletter has necessarily been a harried affair, thrown together through Herculean efforts of a few members of the steering committee, spearheaded by Mui Ho.

This situation is being changed to relieve undue burdens upon too few people. Concurrently, it is timely to consider the wide and largely untapped potentialities of our publication.
Where are the book reviews, editorial comments, and reports of recent work of our members? Where are the graphic meanderings of those who deal in physical form? Where are the comix?

This is one of our best communication tools for learring more about each other and about our professional interests. We hope to use it more in the coming months.

We plan to approach persons with special abilities and interests to write articles for publication sufficiently far in advance to allow for adequate preparation. This includes typing the material in a space 4 and 1/4 inches between margins -- with no typos.

When we tap you on the shoulder, please smile. After all your exposure in our press will be an accolade as well as an obligation.
Mui Ho will continue to be responsible for printing and distribution, and also for keeping the mailing list up to date. Refer new names and addresses and subscription orders to her.

The collecting, writing, and rewriting of material will be done by a different editor each month. The editor of the month will be announced in advance, but you can reach her through Mui if you miss the announcement.
Lucia Bogatay, vacationing in Yucatan and unable to refuse. will field the next issue's editor.

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