Newsletter | Mar/Apr 1974

Current Mailing List

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See original newsletter for addresses and phone numbers, not considered necessary in this edition. ( WSB archivist) butthe 32 names on mailing I thought was worth recording:
Nancy Bennett, Wendy Bertrand, Janis Birkeland, Lucia Bogatay, Yung Ling Chen, Christie Coffin, Janet Crane, Sally Nettleton Daniels, Anne Diaz, Marian Haviland, Susan Henke, Mui Ho, Bonnie-Sue Hood, Lian Hurst, Ann King, Isabel King, Ruth Kleinman, Eileen Kopelson, Corrinne Kutsenkow, Tobey Levy, Linda Murphy, Dolores Malloy, Rosie Muller, Pat Noda, Linda Olson, Myra Rosenfeld, Ilana Rosenfeld, Ruth Schnapp, Cathy Simon, Corinne Moor Spingarn, Marda Stothers, Susan Swabacker, Maria Vella, Gwen Wright, and Bonnie Wudtke.

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