Newsletter | Jan/Feb 1975

San Francisco Meeting Location

by M.C. Haviland and N. Bennett

Monday, 20 January,, 1975
6:30 Buffet Dinner $1.00
Wine .50

7:30 Announcements, Business

7:45 Program

With a B.S. in Architecture from the U. of Cincinnati in 1967, Carol
Memado now finds herself the ower of a toy manufacturing business
called CHILD TODAY. The past seven years have seen Carol in many capacities - from Litton Industries to Community Development
self-help programs in Venezuela and Columbia.

Though her business comes first., her latest venture has been vocational education counseling which is her motive in her discussion of "Alternative Approaches to using a Traditional Architectural Training." She prepared and gave a lecture series at Pratt Institute on this same subject.

8:45 Discussion

Place: Cathy Simon , 17 Beaver St.,San Francisco 626-1641
Chair: Ruth Kleinman, 928-1537

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