Newsletter | Jul/Aug 2009

San Francisco Federal Building Entry (all photos: C.E.Orazi)

OWA Exhibition for AIASF Architecture in the City, Sep 1st

Announcement: Upcoming OWA Exhibition for the AIASF Architecture in the City Festival September 1-30, 2009, to be located at the ARCH Store at 99 Missouri Street in San Francisco.

All current OWA members are invited to submit 30”x 30”, dry mounted boards showing work related to sustainable design, green landscape or green architecture. Projects do not have to be LEED certified. A pdf file of the board(s), if available, would also be appreciated for inclusion on the OWA website. The deadline for submissions is August 25th!

The Exhibition Fee will be $40 per board. We will be planning an Opening Reception for the Exhibition on September 8th from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. We will follow up with more details by email. We have two sponsors and hope to attract more. For more information please contact: Darlene Jang or Carolyne Orazi.

Complete information is here.

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