Newsletter | Sep/Oct 2009

Architecture and the City Reception 2009

Vote on OWA new Bylaws and Articles

by Leslie Allen

OWA 2009 General Meeting
October 20, 2009, 6:30 pm
Darlene Jang's office, 315 Bay Street, San Francisco
(near Safeway--the building entry is in a courtyard beyond a gate. Some street parking is available below Bay Street on Powell, Vandewater, Francisco or Safeway parking lot.) view map



You can vote in person or by mail OWA's 2009 General Meeting will be held on October 20, and your participation is needed. Details will follow shortly, but the most significant matters to be voted on are:

1-- Voting on updated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
The Steering Committee is in the process of drafting updated its founding documents, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, to bring them in line with current law. OWA's current Articles and Bylaws are more than 30 years old and much has changed legally since they were originally drafted. OWA's system of non-hierarchical self-governance will not be changing, however.

2-- Nominating and electing new Steering Committee members.
The Steering Committee has five (5) members. At the end of 2009, 3 of the current members will end their terms, and their replacements will be elected at the General Meeting on October 20. Nominations to the Steering Committee can be made ahead of time by writing or emailing the Steering Committee. Nominations can also be made at the General Meeting on October 20.

3-- Increase in spending authorization.
The Steering Committee will propose increasing the outdated OWA spending limits of $75. This would allow the Steering Committee to make fiscal decisions (such as producing the OWA reception during the AIA Convention in April) without needing to poll the membership for permission. The proposed new maximum expenditure is $5,000.00; any amount over that would require a vote of the membership. The Steering Committee will also propose that two signatures be required for any check over $500.00.

4-- Other matters to be considered and voted on.
More information will be sent to you in coming weeks about other matters to be considered and voted on at the October 20 General Meeting.

Your vote is important!

Please watch your email and/or US Postal Service mailbox for written notice from the OWA which will contain the draft Articles and Bylaws and more information about the October 20th annual general meeting and other matters to be considered. There will also be information on how to vote if you are not able to attend the meeting, because your vote is important.

For the October 20 vote to be valid, at least one third (1/3) of our current, dues-paid-up members must attend the October 20 meeting, either in person, or by voting through the mail, or by given written authority to another member to vote on your behalf. To approve matters proposed, the consent of more than 50% voting is required.
Dues not paid? You will not be able to vote.

Questions? Concerns?
Please contact Leslie Allen ( to address your questions and concerns about the article or bylaw changes, etc., PRIOR to the General Meeting on October 20th. Also, you may add your comments here.

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