Newsletter | Nov/Dec 2012

OWA's annual holiday party

Suzan Swabacker Offers to Coordinate Internships

by Suzan Swabacker
OWA member Suzan Swabacker has worked for many years trying to find offices that would like to take interns, paid or not. Local design schools including the Academy of Art, UCB, SF State, San Jose State, and CCAC all have hot new students seeking part-time internships.  Foreign students cannot be paid, American students hope to be paid; all students need to learn what it is like to meet deadlines in a real office.  All offices need to train the next generation of designers.

At the Academy of Art there are both graduate and undergraduate students.  Their skill sets range from Hand Sketches, Revit, CAD, 3-D Max, Photoshop, SketchUp, to Model-making, graphics and photography.  Their personalities vary from the ultra-shy to the enthusiastic extrovert.  Their backgrounds include Canadian to Chinese to India to Indonesian and all parts in between.

Interns are expected to work a minimum of 2 days/week.  They expect to receive on-the-job training, exposure to design vocabulary, the design process, and vendors.   The design fields include architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture.  Some students have cars, many do not.  If students are not paid for their services they expect to get transportation allowances every week. 

DETAILS:  the more an office can describe the best personality type that fits with their office, the better the success rate.
Foreign students obtain a J-1 work VISA once they graduate; this allows them to work legally for 1 year in the U.S. and be paid.   Yes, we help graduates with a few years experience find a new position, as well.  Yes, some students will relocate to other parts of the U.S.

Please contact Suzan Swabacker, for more assistance.  Suzan has worked part-time at the Academy of Art in SF for > 14 years teaching design studios and basic drafting.  She has taught some students with amazing talent in those 14 years.

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