Newsletter | Mar/Apr 2020

The Window Project @machinaloci

A note from your editor

by Mui Ho

Old Town Tallinn, Estonia

We have been under lockdown since midnight of March 17, 2020. At first, many of us did not take this Covid-19 as seriously as we should either we did not have enough information or too optimistic. This invisible virus is changing our lives and our community. We are in lockdown for over four weeks already and we are still not sure when we can return to partial normal.

Architects and designers are not immediately threatened by job loss and most of us are still working. We did learn to adapt ourselves to this new condition by working from our homes, distancing ourselves in job sites and zooming all our meetings. Other than work, we spend time talking to friends, taking care of family, walking around the neighborhood and helping out in our own immediate community. With this quiet time, we become more introspective and considerate. We read books that we always wanted to read and listen to music to sooth our fear and anxiety.

We hope you all stay home and keep safe.

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