Newsletter | Oct/Dec 2023

Retreat at Westerbeke 2023

Editor's Note:

by Mui Ho

The highlight of the year for our organization has always been our annual retreat in September. This year, it was, as usual, very successful under the leadership of Rachel Slonicki and the Retreat Committee. A resilient economy and the housing boom has meant that the building industry is in good shape. This was the first time in quite a while that it seemed all members attending were securely employed (if not already enjoyably retired!).

Hana Mori as usual had brought some of her students, a very good way to introduce young women to the organization. Some women may feel that a women's group is less important in an age where the status of men and women professionals are more equal or, in fact, where gender itself has become more fluid. While it's origin 50 years ago was to support women in a male-dominated field, the organizaton still serves a useful purpose. I always encourage our members to join the AIA or other building industry related groups if they can earn from their programs or making connections. But professional support and development can take many forms, and the camaraderie in belonging to the OWA is one of them.

The weather was most cooperative. It was warm but not hot and sunny all through the weekend. I remember we had some rainy, chilly September retreats, restricting our activities only to indoor events. Being able to spread out and enjoy the environment is essential for this beautiful location.

Rachel at work during retreat

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