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Helen Degenhardt, House in the Berkeley Hills, JSWD Architects


Below we have put together a set of resources and links concentrating on the bay area and women in the environmental design professions but also including references of a more general nature. For additional suggestions, or corrections, to this list contact the OWA webmaster.


AIA East Bay
AIA East Bay: Women in Architecture Events Blog
AIA San DIego: Women in Architecture
AIA San Francisco
AIA Silicon Valley
AIA Tampa Bay: Women in Architecture
American Institute of Architects
Association For Women in Architecture + Design Los Angeles, California
Berkeley Architectureal Heritage Association (BAHA)
Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation (BWAF) supporting women in architecture
Chicago Women in Architecture
International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) Virginia Tech
International Interior Design Association (IIDA) No. California Chapter
International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
National Association of Women in Construction (national)
National Association of Women in Construction (SF chapter)
National Organization of Minority Architects Washington DC
Society of Women Engineers
Women in Architecture UK
Women in Architecture University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Women in Computer Architecture
Women in Landscape Architecture


Architecture: A Woman's Profession
edited by Tanja Kullack [Book Circle 4 Discussion]
Discrimination by Design: A Feminist Critique of the Man-Made Env.
[Book Circle 2 Discussion]
Early Women Architects of the San Francisco Bay Area
by OWA's Inge Horton [Book Circle 1 Discussion]
Enamored with Place: As Woman + As Architect
a memoir by OWA co-founder Wendy Bertrand [Book Circe 6 discussion]
Gender Intelligence by Barbara Annis & Keith Merron (Book Circle #11) How brain gender can influence satisfaction and success at work
Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead
by Sheryl Sandberg [Book Circle 8 Discussion ]
The Builder's Booksource
William Stout Architectural Books
Women and the Everyday City: Public Space in San Francisco, 1890-1915 Jessica Ellen Sewell [Book Circle 5 discussion]
Women and the Making of the Modern House
by Alice Friedman [Book Circle 3 Discussion]
Women in Green: Voices of Sustainability by Kira Gould & Lance Hosey


AIA Online Publications
Architect Online
Architectural Record
Architecture Week
ArchVoices e-mail newsletter
De | Zine Magazine Inspiration for Architects and Designers
Green Architecture and Building (GAB) Report
by OWA's own Mignon O'Young

Women in Architecture

AIA East Bay: Women in Architecture Events Blog
National Building Museum: Annual Women of Architecture Lecture Series
Women Architects
Women Architects in Northern California Research Project by Inge Horton
Women Who Built Illinois Database Landmarks Illinois

Online Articles

16 Women Breaking New Ground in Architecture
50 Women Rocking the World of Architecture Architizer Magazine
Architecture is too important to be left to men alone by Jeremy Till
De Zeen Women in architecture and design
Designing Women by Lynn Becker
Double Whammy Would there be more women in architecture if there were more women in development? by Amanda Kolson Hurley
Dreaming True by Roxi Thoren about Landscape architect 1871-1959 Early Landscape architect uses her farm to promote ecofeminism. (Farmerettes)
Girl Talk: Marion Mahony Griffin,
Frank Lloyd Wright and the Oak Park Studio
Places Online Magazine
Judgement Pending by Shelly Penn
Julia Morgan's Cohorts by Inge Horton / Los Altos Hills Historical Society
Karen McNiell lecture on Julia Morgan UC Extension video
Needed - a more profound commitment to behavioural change by Shane Thompson
OWA Celebrates 40 Years by Inge Horton in AIASCV Tracings magazine
Renewed Interest in the Status of Women in Architecture by Inge Horton in AIASCV Tracings magazine
Robert A. M. Stern on Women in Architecture
The 25 Top Female Architects Changing The Architecture Industry Archute
The Hidden Women of Architecture and Design New Yorker 2018
The Incredible True Adventures of the Architectress in America by Gabrielle Esperdy
What I Learned from Architect Barbie Places Online Magazine
Where Are All the Female Architects? New York Times
Who wants to be a Woman Architect? Karen Burns
Why Architects Need Feminism by Despina Stratigakos
Women In Architecture: Leveling the Playing Field
Arch Voices reprint of 1995 PA article
Women in Architecture: Why so few? Garry Key's own research
Women Made De Zeen

Job Search

American Institute of Architects (SF Chapter)
American Society of Landscape Architects
JOB OPPORTUNITIES on the OWA Forum (members only)
Jobs at CED, UC Berkeley

Calendars and Events

AIA East Bay Calendar
BAHA Calendar
California College of the Arts Events
International Association for the
Study of Traditional Environments
NAWIC Calendar
SF AIA Calendar
SF Art Institute Calendar
SFMOMA Calendar
UC Berkeley CED Events

Google Searches

Women Architects
Women in Architecture

Other Architecture Resource Pages

Education, Licensing, and Networking Resources for Women in Construction
NC Modernist Houses Comprehensive site on N. Carolina modernist homes
Parlour Research, opinion and resources in building a fairer, more equitable profession
Sweets Construction building product information
US Modernist Comprehensive biographies, projects, magazines of 20th century architecture

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