Steering Committee
The OWA is run by an elected steering committee of members who are committed to upholding the organization's goals. OWA members may log in to view more complete contact infromation and Steering Committee Meeting minutes.
Selection and Functions of the Steering Committee
Annual Meeting:
An annual meeting is held each year in the fall. One third of the membership in good standing either in person or by written proxy is required for a quorum to conduct business. The order of business at the annual meeting includes:- Election of new steering committee members.
- Approval of upcoming year budget
- Any member in good standing may nominate themselves or another member in good standing to be considered for a position on the Steering Committee.
- Nominees are encouraged to submit a one paragraph biography and a one paragraph statement of why they would like to serve on the steering committee 45 days prior to the annual meeting. These statements will be sent out with the annual meeting agenda and posted on the OWA website for member viewing.
- Nominations of members in good standing may also be made at the annual meeting. The member nominated at the annual meeting must be present and in agreement of the nomination and be willing to make a statement as to their goals for serving on Steering Committee.
Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee is composed of at least 7 OWA members. They serve two-year terms. Each year there shall be an election for three or four Steering Committee members to fill the vacancies of the three or four Steering Committee members rotating off the committee. Steering Committee members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. The duties of the Steering Committee include:- Meet at least bi-monthly to plan and implement activities and programs.
- Plan and coordinate 6 event meetings, two of which include the annual meeting and the December Holiday gathering. Attend the annual planning retreat for old and new steering committee members.
- Foster networking opportunities with introductions, suggestions, and writing of newsletter articles.
- Meet all legal requirements required of the organization in a timely manner.
- Each member to take responsibility for at least one major task area:
- Information Administrator:
- Oversee website development and maintenance.
- Respond to '' correspondence not related to membership, website or newsletter issues.
- Forward membership, website or newsletter issues to '', '', or '' respectively.
- Ensure that website is dynamic, well designed, responsive and current.
- Encourage membership to participate and use website.
- Explore members' suggestions for website. Coordinate surveys to the membership.
- Administer membership applications, renewals, and database
- Create new member profiles on website if not done by member .
- Promptly enter payments made by members on website member profile form.
- Coordinate with health plan liaison status of members and information as to whether they are in good standing and dues paid up.
- Coordinate mentoring program.
- Prepare and publish the bi-monthly newsletter for online distribution and web content, and email a notification that a new newsletter has been posted. .
- Solicit membership for relevant content contributions, photographs and announcements for publications .
- Post the Steering Committee approved minutes.
- Create and maintain OWA Calendar .
- Coordinate calendar of events and publicity with Newsletter and Information coordinators.
- Laision between the Steering Committee and the Retreat Volunteer for the planning of the annual retreat for the general membership if one is offered.
- Coordinate the rotation of responsibility for general meetings and check that the following are done by Steering Committee member responsible:
- Arrange speaker(s)
- Arrange meeting place
- Coordinate refreshments
- Create and maintain an RSVP poll for events.
- Send email reminder of event, time and place
- Arrange for membership applications to be at event and OWA brochure or newsletter, and cash for change for event fee.
- Provide or arrange for introduction about OWA, speaker and members in attendance including steering committee.
- Arrange for speaker fee or hospitality gift
- Establish annual review process of policies and procedures, coordinate membership discussion and comment on policies, procedures or bylaws and prepare for annual meeting approval vote on revisions or amendments.
- Detail duties of steering committee positions for nominating process.
- Prepare notification, agenda, nominating and other business materials for the annual meeting.
- Coordinate the annual planning retreat for old and new steering committee members.
- Increase OWA visibility with public, professional groups and other groups with similar goals.
- Coordinate the flow of information and business between the Steering Committee and the Board of Directors, the Health Plan Liaison, and the Retreat Volunteer.
- Track income and expenses and prepare monthly financial statement for Steering Committee and annual meeting review and approval.
- Coordinate the filing of annual tax return.
- Ensure business documents are filed properly with financial institutions and the state.
- Administer scholarship program if program is offered.
- Financial Procedures:
- Expenditures to support the mission of OWA
- A minimum of two members in good standing must be listed as signatures for the OWA bank accounts.
- All dues shall be deposited within one month of receipt.
- All checks written over $1,500 must require two steering committee member signatures.
- All bank statements showing all deposits and checks issued must be presented at every steering committee meeting.
- The annual budget and financial statement shall be distributed at the Annual Meeting.
- The annual budget shall be approved by a majority of the membership in attendance or by written proxy at the Annual Meeting.
- Any expenditure over $5,000 shall have prior approval of a majority of the voting membership.
Membership Administrator:
Newsletter Editor:
Program Coordinator:
Policy and Procedures Coordinator:
Public Relations Coordinator:
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