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OWA Public Service at Mosswood Park - Aug 26thCameron White - 8/8/11 5:01PM | ShareAt the May Visioning Retreat, several sub-committees were formed. The sub-committee for Public Service was formed by Rachel Slonicki and Cameron White. We met, and decided on a couple of activities that we could recommend as OWA public service activities for this year. One was OWA participation in the Mosswood Park Volunteer Day on August 26. This is sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and is a day of sprucing up an historic Oakland park. A flyer is attached and Rachel and Cameron encourage our members to register. Lunch is included. This is a fun annual activity that has really boosted the appearance and perceptions of the park. It would be good for OWA to have some visibility at this event. Again, please register on the website listed on the flyer. Time: Fri, Aug 26th, 2011 8:00am - 4:30pm Location: Mosswood Park Oakland, Ca map The event flier is here Cameron White, RA, PMP Senior Project Manager Oakland Medical Center Replacement Project