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Sign Up for ACE MentoringCameron White - 8/9/11 8:03PM | ShareAt the May Visioning Retreat, several sub-committees were formed. The sub-committee for Public Service was formed by Rachel Slonicki and Cameron White. We met, and decided on a couple of activities that we could recommend as OWA public service activities for this year. One was for OWA participation in ACE mentoring. ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) is a successful nationwide high school mentoring program. There are chapters in San Francisco and Oakland. The main program involves mentoring a group of students every week for 14-16 weeks, culminating in a design presentation. Usually it runs from February through May, on Wednesday afternoons from 4-6 pm. Mentors may also make a presentation or lead a hands on activity. OWA graciously sponsored a scholarship this year for a woman student entering architecture school. For the last two years, our Oakland group didn't have very many architect-mentors participate, so it would be great if we could get some OWA members this coming school year. This would be excellent visibility for OWA in the construction world! To sign up, you can register as a mentor at There is a background check done on all mentors. This is a highly fun and rewarding activity. If you are interested, please contact Cameron White at 510-529-5046. Cameron White, RA, PMP Senior Project Manager Oakland Medical Center Replacement Project