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Architects needed for ACE Mentoring program

Cameron White - 1/30/12 10:11AM  |  Share

The ACE Mentoring program is starting on February 8. We meet at the Kaiser Oakland Hospital Replacement jobsite office, at 380 West MacArthur, Oakland. The program will begin on Wednesday, February 8, and run until May 11, on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm. We especially need architects for the program, and others such as landscape architects and interior designers are needed too. It is not necessary to commit to the whole 13 weeks (there is one week off for spring break). We also need speakers.

If you are in San Francisco or another area, there is probably an ACE program starting up near you. If Oakland is convenient for you, please consider joining our group. Here’s some information from the website,

"Will there be enough architects, construction managers and engineers to fill the industry’s needs ten years from now? The ACE Mentor Program of America, Inc. is working hard to make sure there are. ACE is an acronym for architecture, construction, and engineering.

The program’s mission is to engage, excite and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in the integrated construction industry through mentoring; and to support their continued advancement in the industry through scholarships and grants.

ACE is a unique partnership among industry professionals — architects, interior designers, landscape architects, mechanical, structural, electrical, environmental and civil engineers, construction managers, college and university representatives, and other professionals from related corporations and professional organizations — who work together to attract young people to their professions.

Industry professionals volunteer to become mentors to high school students in order to introduce them to the professions and encourage them to pursue studies and careers in these fields. In return, the industry get a much-needed boost of new talent."

Being a mentor is both fun and very rewarding. Most of the kids really learn a lot, and appreciate getting to know the mentors. Let me know if you can participate, or have any questions.

Cameron White

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