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Decision of Pritzker Prize Jury re Denise Scott BrownInge S. Horton - 7/12/13 8:56AM | ShareDear supporters of the Petition that the Pritzker Architecture Prize recognize Denise Scott Brown for her work in Robert Venturi's 1991 Pritzker Prize, Thank you so much, all 18,093 of you, for your support of the motion for equal recognition for equal work! We have made great strides so far in creating a more just and inclusive profession, most recently with the motion by the AIA to expand the Gold Medal rules to include more than a single recipient. That change was made possible thanks to the incredible support we have had for this petition, and each of your efforts. As you may have heard, a few weeks ago the Pritzker Jury responded to our petition, "a later jury cannot re-open, or second guess the work of an earlier jury, and none has ever done so.” Rest assured, we stand firm in our conviction of equal recognition for equal work. We are sending a reply to the Pritzker Jury today, and also inaugurating Formed in 2013 as an offshoot of Women In Design, the website is a network of designers interested in promoting equality in the field—“No designer left behind,” so to speak. Please visit us frequently, as there will often be new content posted by a growing community. We ask you to contribute your ideas to our new site, which will also increasingly "archive" the contents rising from the Petition. We hope too that gender and other cultural biases in architecture will soon be a thing of the past. Until that happens, we'll keep working. We are also interested in generating a prolonged response to the Pritzker Jury. After all, the spirit of the Petition has always been this way that it has included so many different perspectives on why this is important to you, the people signing. If you have a response that you would like to send to Lord Peter Palumbo and the Pritzker Jury, please email us: at We will be sending a series of responses, as well as publishing them on our website. Thank you again for your support, it is integral to the success of this campaign. Find new ways to support us on Please email us with any thoughts, comments, or ideas. Our very best, Women in Design This message was sent by Women In Design using the system. You received this email because you signed a petition started by Women In Design on "The Pritzker Architecture Prize Committee: Recognize Denise Scott Brown for her work in Robert Venturi's 1991 Prize." does not endorse contents of this message. View the petition | Reply to this message via