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American Academy of Rome Fellowships 2014

OWA Admin - 11/8/13 9:52AM  |  Share

[Received from Robert Starkoff, Programs Assistant, American Academy in Rome]

Just a reminder that the late date deadline for applications for the 2014 Rome Prize Fellowship is fast approaching.
The late date deadline is November 15, 2013.

The American Academy in Rome online application form for the 2013-2014 Rome Prize competition is currently available on the Academy website at

We would be grateful if you could make the information available to those who might be interested in applying for this prestigious fellowship.

The American Academy in Rome is the oldest American overseas center for independent study and advanced research in the arts and the humanities.

For one hundred years the Academy's eleven acre center in Rome has provided an inspiring environment for those who practice the fine and liberal arts.

The Rome Prize is awarded annually to about thirty candidates, each selected by a jury of distinguished peers through a national competition.

The winners are invited to Rome to pursue their work for periods ranging from six months to two years. They are provided with stipends, residential accommodation, meals, private studies or studios, and most important, an atmosphere conducive to intellectual and artistic freedom,
interdisciplinary exchange, and innovation.

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