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Alternative Ways to Practice ArchitectureInge S. Horton - 10/21/14 2:57PM | ShareFresh from the inspirational conference Equity by Design, I would like to propose that OWA dedicates one of the meetings in the next year to the discussion of alternative ways to approach architecture. And especially to focus on what women have to contribute to make architecture a voice in shaping the future of the built environment. In the epilogue of her book Enamored with Place-As Woman and As Architect, Wendy Bertrand, one of the founders of OWA, presents ideas about what she called Placitecture which deserve to be discussed and taken further in shaping architecture. At the conference Equity by Design we were presented with many sets of data and related interpretation. These also could be used in discussions about the role of women in architecture as well as other examples of alternative practitioners. I hope that the steering committee can put together a program or panel to deal with the contribution of women to the architectural profession and discuss new ways of practicing architecture and environmental design. Unfortunately, I have another commitment on Tuesday and will not be able to present my proposal at the OWA business meeting