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The movie "Equity" is showing this week.

Spring (deceased) Friedlander - 8/28/16 12:25PM  |  Share

is at the Elmwood Movie Theater in Berkeley at 1:45 & 6:45 PM.
This movie is relevant for those of us in construction.
EQUITY is about women on Wall Street. It's a Wall Street drama, but it's not about corruption, crime, or catastrophe. It's about women who thrive on competition and ambition, deals and strategy, but who must carefully calibrate every aspect of their lives, professional and private, to stay equal in the game. EQUITY is directed, written, produced, and financed by women, a collaboration among women in entertainment and business leaders in finance-the real-life women of Wall Street-who chose to invest in this film because they wanted to see their story told.

Wendy Bertrand - 10/9,/16 5:26PM

Sounds interesting. Thanks Spring for the alert.

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