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Looking for a room or sublet for January and/or February 2018Jamie Brown - 12/13/17 2:28PM | ShareAfter a few years' absence from the Bay Area, I am looking for a room for rent or a sublet (or other accommodation) for January and/or February 2018. What I'm looking for: a room in a shared dwelling, or a studio apartment or similar, preferably furnished (with at least a bed). Ideally within a 10 - 15 minute walk to a Bart station or convenient bus stop, as I'll be commuting by public transit to my work situation in the East Bay. About me: I'm an architect by trade; I lived and worked in the Bay Area until 2015, when I went off to live and work in northern Japan for two years. I grew up and went to architecture school in Upstate New York before moving to the Bay Area for work. My hobbies are travel, photography, cooking (and eating!). Although I don't have any special dietary requirements, I will happily respect any and all kitchen rules in a shared dwelling. I'm a nonsmoker and don't have any allergies to pets as far as I know. If you have a room or sublet, or know of an opportunity out there, please let me know! Thank you so much! Email: jamiebrown(atmark) Phone: 415-960-7851 (please leave a message)