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2023 OWA+DP Membership RenewalMargaret Sheehan - 1/16/23 11:25PM | ShareHello OWA+DP Community! Wishing you a Happy New Year! This is a friendly reminder that it is time to renew your 2023 OWADP membership. Our annual membership term runs from February 1st to January 31st of the following year. For those who have already renewed for 2023, thank you! We encourage you to RENEW NOW ! 2023 Membership Dues: Professional: $90 Supporting: $180 or more Student: $40 Out-of-Town: $50; >100 miles radius We have many exciting events coming up in 2023 to celebrate our 50th anniversary! Check our website and our calendar on Basecamp for details. Please join us for our social meet-ups online, on recurring Third Thursday Zoom Socials. Watch for announcements of more educational program events coming in 2023. Our annual retreat at Westerbeke Ranch is coming in September. For information on 50% scholarships for student dues in 2023, please send an email to CURRENT AND PAST MEMBERS may renew by clicking here NEW MEMBERS may register by clicking here PAYPAL is the preferred method of payment, but you can also pay by check. Please follow the directions on our website. You will be asked to log in, so please have your email and password handy. Then click on the red link, to make your 2023 membership payment. OWA+DP would like to thank you for your continuing support, as we look forward to a renewed spirit of collaboration and celebration in 2023! Cheers! Margaret Sheehan OWA+DP, Membership Coordinator