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OWA+DP March 14th 2023 Bulletin

Charlayne A. Sakamoto - 3/14/23 3:27PM  |  Share
Greetings OWA+DP Members!

We can't wait to see you tonight at the Interface Floor event. This Thursday, please join us for Third Thursday's Social zoom. Feel free to invite friends.

And, don't forget to sign up for our 50th Anniversary OWA+DP Symposium! Please invite your friends and colleagues and make sure they sign-up before seats are sold out. There is also a reception after that has a limited capacity.

Here are this week's upcoming events. To learn more, visit

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UpComing Events
March 14 Interface Flor CEU - TONIGHT!!!
March 16 Third Thursday Social
March 31 SFO Tour of Harvey Milk Terminal (T1) & C3C Building - MEMBERS ONLY

50th Anniversary Events
April 22 Symposium
June 25th 50th Anniversary Garden Party
July Copenhagen Trip
September 22-24 50th Anniversary Retreat

Membership dues are due...
Make sure you pay your membership for 2023. We appreciate your support.

Missed the latest newsletter? Jan/Feb/Mar Newsletter

Is there an OWA+DP event that you want to promote or announce? eMail and we will try to help you out.

Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you soon!


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