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OWA+DP Bulletin May 23th 2023

Charlayne A. Sakamoto - 5/23/23 12:20PM  |  Share
Greetings OWA+DP Members!

A few announcements today.

First, we have the Art of Acoustics event tonight on zoom. Please sgn-up on Eventbrite to attend.

Second, we have added an Informal Family Picnic Day to hang out on Sunday, 6/11/23, Let's all get to know everyone in a more casual setting.

Third, our 50th Anniversary Garden Gala is approaching next month. Purchase tickets before May 31st for an early bird discount. Prices will go up to $150 after 5/31/23, so why not save some money...We are also seeking Silent Auction items (like art, a vacation rental or a skill you can teach) that will culminate at the Gala. These items will help us raise money for OWADP. Contact Charlayne A. Sakamoto (me) or Betty Woo if you have stuff or ideas.

Fourth, we have added information about the 50th Anniversary Hearst Castle Trip happening from August 11th to 13th.

And finally our international trip to Ecuador, that was previously postponed, is ready for you to book. Contact Gilda Puente-PetersGilda for more information.

Please click below to see additional information.

Here are this week's upcoming events. To learn more, visit

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UpComing Events
May 23 The Art of Acoustics with Salter Associates
June 11 Picnic at Tilden Park

50th Anniversary Events
June 25th 50th Anniversary Garden Gala
July Copenhagen Trip
August 11th - 13th 50th Anniversary Hearst Castle Trip
September 22-24 50th Anniversary Retreat

Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you soon!


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