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OWA+DP Bulletin October 3rd 2023Charlayne A. Sakamoto - 10/3/23 11:59AM | Share Greetings OWA+DP Members!It was so great to see many of you at the retreat! For those of you that went and would like to print the booklet with the profiles, you can visit the OWADP 2023 Retreat page. A lot of the photos can also be found on basecamp. Later this month, we have our very important Annual Business Meeting, where we discuss the budget for the next year and elect the next Steering committee members. We need a quorum, approximately 35 members to attend, so its really important that you RSVP. You may attend in person (and enjoy some dinner on us) or over zoom. Here are this month's upcoming events. To learn more, visit Follow us on: Facebook , Instagram, Linkedin OWA+DP Events October 17th - Annual Business Meeting - Please RSVP as we will provide a light meal December 2nd/9th - TBD Holiday Party - Please RSVP as we will provide food January 19th - 27th 2024 50th Anniversary International Ecuador Trip Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you soon! OWA+DP