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OWA+DP Bulletin October 17th 2023 - Annual Business MeetingCharlayne A. Sakamoto - 10/17/23 3:09PM | Share Hello OWA+DP Members!Today is our very important Annual Business Meeting, where we discuss the budget for the next year and elect the next Steering committee members. We need a quorum, approximately 35 members to attend, so its really important that you RSVP. You may attend in person (and enjoy some dinner on us) or over zoom. We have also added a new event in November about how paint has changed in the last 15 years. Here are this month's upcoming events. To learn more, visit Follow us on: Facebook , Instagram, Linkedin OWA+DP Events October 17th - Annual Business Meeting - Please RSVP as we will provide a light meal November 14th - Dunn Edwards Paint Course - Please RSVP for the zoom link December 2nd/9th - TBD Holiday Party - Please RSVP as we will provide food January 19th - 27th 2024 50th Anniversary International Ecuador Trip Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you soon! OWA+DP
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