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OWA+DP Bulletin January 24th 2024

Eunide "Dede" Tave - 1/24/24 9:59PM  |  Share
Greetings OWA+DP!!

Membership payments are due next month.

This year's dues are the following:
Professional: $90
Supporting: $180 or more
Student: $40
Out–of–town, Outside 100 miles radius: $50

Renew online or by mail.
Mail Checks to:
Attn: Marda Stothers, OWA+DP Treasurer
2600 Warring Street
Berkeley, CA 94704-3415

January Upcoming Events

January 30th: Audio Visual Design Considerations presented by CTI .
The course in AIA accredited and CTI will be able to provide the AIA certificates after the meeting. Please be sure to send us your name and AIA numbers for AIA credit.
To Register visit: Click Here

Don't forget to follow us on: Facebook , Instagram, Linkedin

Thank you all for your ongoing support. Here's to achieving even greater things together in the future.


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