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OWA Member CAMMY WHITE performs Saturday the 21st

Suzanne (deceased) Stewart - 6/19/08 11:11AM  |  Share

Cammy White is singing with Larry Pines, a fabulous pianist, along with the other former Con Alma ladies (yes, Con Alma has disbanded). They're going to be at Joe's of Lafayette on SATURDAY JUNE 21st, 7-10pm.

Larry's band will feature Brad Howell on bass, Jim Throne on drums, Colby Pines on sax, and Bill Smoleck on trumpet. The vocalists will be Erin Bloom, Avis Kowaleski, and Cammy White.

Join them for an evening of jazz standards at Joe's of Lafayette, 3707 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette. Reservations recommended.

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