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OWA/AIASF Architecture and the City Exhibition and ReceptionOWA Admin - 8/13/09 9:12PM | ShareExhibition: OWA: Building in the City September 1-30, 2009 (Runs in conjunction with the AIASF Architecture in the City Festival Sept 1-30, 2009) Our Public Announcement is here. Theme focus: Sustainable designs in architecture (i.e lighting, casework, exteriors or interiors, new or rehab) or landscape architecture but LEED rating not is required. Place: ARCH Drafting Supplies 99 Missouri (corner of 17th St near CCA) San Francisco map Reception: September 8, Tuesday Time: 6-9 pm Wine, Cheese, and BBQ Entry Fee for Board(s) and/or PowerPoint Slides to be delivered to ARCH Drafting Supplies: Boards must be 30" x 30” and are $40/board PowerPoint presentations must be (7) seven slides maximum and are $25. Make check payable to OWA attached to Board and/or CD Due Aug. 24 at ARCH For Boards and Slides delivered after Aug 24: $50/ board and $35 /(7) seven slides max prior to Aug 31 Make check payable to OWA attached to Board and/or CD Delivered to ARCH. The boards will be on display during the Reception and the PowerPoint will run Sept 1-30, 2009. We are encouraging everyone to submit Slides. Please email Darlene Jang if you have questions. You can also contact Marilyn at ARCH 415. 433. 2724 to reserve an easel and your intention to submit board(s) and/or slides. Reception will be held on September 8 at ARCH between 6-9PM