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Mentors needed: ACE Mentoring Program starting in February 2010

Cameron White - 12/20/09 2:44PM  |  Share

ACE Mentoring (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) is a well-established and successful mentoring program for high school students. The mission is to introduce students, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, to careers in the field.
My group at work (Kaiser Oakland Replacement Hospital) is starting next year in Feb. 2010. There is a need for mentors, especially architects. The group will meet in central Oakland on Wednesdays from 4-6 pm. It will run for 12-14 weeks. Mentors don't necessarily have to commit to the whole series of classes.
The program will focus on the Kaiser Hospital as a design project. There are other ACE units starting up too: one on the Bay Bridge (meets in Oakland), and units in SF and Contra Costa.
If you're interested in mentoring in our group, you can let me know (Cammy White, 510-618-5817) and can sign up online at Hope to hear from some of you!

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