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XVII Pan-American Bienal of Architecture, Quito, Ecuador

Gilda Puente-Peters - 11/1/10 12:00AM  |  Share

Nov 15th - 19th, 2010

The XVII Pan-American Bienal of Architecture, Quito, Ecuador BAQ 2010 invites all design professionals to participate in this international conference and design competition.

This year’s Bienal theme is “Architecture, Breaking Down the Borders”. The BAQ 2010 will take place in Quito, Ecuador, one of the cities nominated by the UNESCO as a World’s Heritage Site. The Bienal includes Pan-American and International Design Competitions, a Symposium, Conferences, Architectural and Art Exhibits throughout the City, and other complementary activities.

There are several categories in which you can participate, sending built projects completed during the last four years to enter the international design competition. The deadline for the submittals is Friday, October 29, 2010. All projects submitted will be published in the book of the BAQ 2010.

If you are interested in participating in the design competition or any of the events offered at the XVII BAQ 2010, please go to the Bienal’s web-page , see the attached flyer and also contact Gilda Puente-Peters, U.S. Coordinator via email; see contact information below. Gilda will be able to mail you a brochure with submittal details.

More information is here

Gilda Puente-Peters - 6/9,/10 8:54AM

Dear Colleagues,I will encourage you to submit...

Dear Colleagues,

I will encourage you to submit your projects to participate in the Bienals design competition.

Also if any of you is interested on attending the conference and visiting Quito, I will be going there as well, so contact me for more details, it is a great international professional event!



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