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Exhibit Your Work for Free at the Architecture and the City Festival

Karlene Gullone - 7/20/10 10:22AM  |  Share

Once again this year, AIA San Francisco Chapter and the Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals (OWA) are hosting an exhibition of the work of women design professionals in conjunction with the AIASF Architecture and the City Festival. This is a special opportunity for artists, engineers, planners, and architects to display your projects. The AIASF theme this year is “Investigating Urban Metabolisms”, so be sure to demonstrate how each of your contributions to the urban environment work in conjunction with the efforts of other design professionals, adding vitality to the urban landscape and impacting city form, movement, and growth.

The exhibit will remain on display during the entire month of September at the ARCH Drafting Supplies store, 99 Missouri St, San Francisco at the corner of 17th St. just south of CCA and the Mission Bay campus of UCSF. A special wine & cheese reception will be held from 6 - 9pm on Tuesday, September 7th.

Exhibiting your work in the slideshow is FREE to all OWA members. Please submit a maximum of five digital images using the powerpoint template for formatting, to add to the slideshow presentation showcasing all of our work. Images should be jpegs of 150dpi maximum resolution and 7”h x 10”w size. Please e-mail these to, no later than August 9th. As an added bonus at the conclusion of the exhibition, many of these images will be permanently featured on the OWA website with links to your websites.

For a small $25 fee, you may submit a board as well with images mounted on 30” x 30” black foam core. This board will not only be posted at the exhibition, but on the OWA website as well. (Our 2009 reception may be seen here). The work can be built or unbuilt, though built is favored. You must have been deeply involved in the project, either as architect, engineer, designer, or project manager. In every case your name and the firm name will be listed. If you are not a principal in the firm responsible for the work, you must have authorization from the firm to use the images. Boards must be delivered to ARCH no later than August 16th, with a check payable to OWA attached to the board. In addition, please e-mail a pdf of the board to so we can load it onto the website.

Those who submit slides and/or your intent to exhibit on or before July 30th will be included in a postcard mailer advertising the event. Please notify of your intent to exhibit so that I can forward the powerpoint template for the slideshow presentation to you. If you participated in this event last year, please note that you must display new work this year. We will not exhibit the same boards or images as last year.

If you are not a member of the OWA, you will have to join to display your work in the exhibit. Membership costs $50/year, but since it is nearly August, it only costs $25 to join for the remainder of 2010. To join, go to

Thank you,
Karlene Gullone

The event description, as printed in the Architecture and the City Festival Catalog:
September 1–30
Opening reception September 7, 6:00–9:00 pm
ARCH, 99 Missouri Street, San Francisco
Sponsored by ARCH Drafting Supplies, Barcelon & Jang Architecture

OWA Women Designers: Urban Vitality showcases a range of work by women design professionals in the Bay Area, highlighting their urban design projects and demonstrating the impact on form, movement, growth, and environment in the city. The exhibition reveals specific sustainable design projects that reflect sensitive and elegant responses to a design problem. Furthermore, it reveals the community’s problem-solving challenges, highlighting the way creative designs are inspired responses in balance with nature and in harmony with the built environment. The exhibition features work by landscape architects, city planners, designers, and architects.

Inge S. Horton - 9/3,/10 2:38PM

Last year's reception was great fun, and this yea...

Last year's reception was great fun, and this year's promises to be an event not to be missed.
It is a wonderful opportunity to see the work of our members and meet them in person, meet old friends and make new friends. An added bonus is the opportunity to look through the amazing drafting supplies of ARCH!
See you there!
Inge Horton

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