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Mapping the Cycles of Sanctuary: A Weekend Workshop with Topher Delaney - Oct 16 + 17Topher Delaney - 10/6/10 12:09PM | ShareWORKSHOP INFORMATION: MAPPING THE CYCLES OF SANCTUARY: Field Notes for Constructing Sanctuary Through Drawings + The Written Word A WEEKEND WORKSHOP - OCTOBER 16 + 17, 2010 INSTRUCTORS: Topher Delaney – Director of Seam Studio / Artist Joni Palmer – PhD. Candidate in Geography + Public Art / Writer /Landscape Architect GOALS: This two day workshop will offer you the opportunity, through drawing + writing + discussion, to develop your personal field notes on the construction + cultivation of a place/space we name Sanctuary. How do we/you define + develop sanctuary through ENGAGEMENT = RETRIEVAL both physically + emotionally in contrast to ISOLATION= REMOVAL both physically + emotionally? How do we imbue + acknowledge symbols within constructed nature (landscape + garden) which evoke the realization of our relationship to the intimacy of self + nature? We will both visually + through discussion reflect upon iconic evidences of perceived + constructed boundaries of sanctuaries.We will address the WHERE = topography + WHY = cultural + spiritual beliefs which have contributed to the creation of personal + public relationships to physical spaces of reflection + spiritual renewal???? PROCESS: Cycles of Cultivating Sanctuary: “the 4 R’s” We will reference FOUR significant principals of thought + action throughout our workshop: RELEVANCE, REFLECTION, RENNOVATION, RENEWAL These principals form a spherical structure of discourse + comprehension rather than a linear sequence of information. We will focus our discussions with you through a confluence of cognitive + emotional patterns activated by the principals of the 4Rs. through our spheres of investigation, our intention is to offer you a compass of directions, which accompany physical + virtual maps/design referencing the metaphor + meaning of exterior sanctuaries. Your field notes will be your guides to your maps/design of sanctuaries. Day 1 - Saturday, Oct 16th (9am - 4pm): Morning: Lecture + Discussion on the ethnology of Sanctuaries. Lunch: The Nature of our Nourishment. Discussion of Edible Gardens + The Sanctuary of the Outdoor Barbeque... Lunch provided by Fishes + Loaves Afternoon: A walk through paradise... Drawing + writing techniques for field notes. The focus will be your intention + attention. Day 2 - Sunday, Oct 17th (9am - 4pm): Morning: Exercises in drawing out + writing down forms + functions of significance which describe the rite of Sanctuary as a dynamic. Lunch: Apples + Snakes. Discussion on rituals + myths of Sanctuary. Lunch provided by Eden catering. Afternoon: The ritual of the threshold / aperture + the boundary / the constructs of engagement. We will focus on the rhythm + cadence of completing the drawing + ending the sentence. COST: $150 (lunch included both days) TO ENROLL: Contact Kika Probst @ or call 415.621.9899 (ext. 100) LOCATION: SEAM Studio 600 Illinois Street San Francisco, CA 94107