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OWA Scholarship Program

As part of our effort to increase the support that OWA offers women design professionals, the steering committee would like to establish a scholarship committee.

In 2011 we donated money to the ACE scholarship program, which will benefit a female student who has been accepted to a design school in a four-year college. Our first award recipient is here. Next year, however, we hope to administer our own scholarship program and we invite you to participate!

Instituting an OWA scholarship committee would enable us to personally select the candidate and stay in contact with her throughout her school experience. It would also allow us to establish more specific criteria for applicants.

The scholarship committee will be responsible soliciting applicants, announcing the scholarship award on a number of local financial aid databases, establishing the application requirements, reviewing the applications submitted, selecting the award recipient, and finally acknowledging this recipient at the annual retreat. In addition, funding the scholarships may involve some fundraising efforts.

We appreciate your feedback on the scholarship program. If you would like to serve on the scholarship committee, please contact Karlene Gullone. Thanks for your generosity and support!

Take a look at the AWA-LA scholarship program to see a similar example.

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