I will be meeting with the steering committee again on March 2, 2024. We have to confirm our reservation by March 15, 2024. We will have to raise the registration fees this year. Charlayne and the steering committee plan to start promoting the event and possibly reaching out for fund raising to offset the registration fee increase.
Darlene, Nazila, Shannon, Allison, and Caroline, have you thought of a title for the program? Have you had a chance to meet? Any thoughts on who the speaker might be? Is anyone delving into planning the legacy presentations in addition to planning the presentation on artificial intelligence?
Mui, Betty, Gilda, and Alex, have you had a chance to talk about and select a direction for the art project? Are we moving forward with the felt flowers, jewelry, or marbling scarves?
Amy, any progress on selecting Qi Gong, body stretching, or mat Pilates for the Sunday movement class? Which style of movement do you think you will move forward with for the Sunday session? Cammy, are Luz Mena and Giovanni Pietrobo confirmed?
Helen, did you hear back from any of the salsa bands that might be available? If not, Debbie might ask her friend for additional recommendations.
Heather, Marda transferred money to the retreat account to cover the deposit. After the steering committee meets on March 2, we will have to send in the deposit and signed agreement.